Alice's Emporium

Welcome to Alice's Emporium!
An omni-crafter's shop located on Balmung.
Wares include raid gear for savages, glamour items, furniture, foods, & potions!


Flagship Store
Mist Ward 1 Plot 15

The Flagship store features the latest battle sets inside, pick-up ready on mannequins.
Weapons, food, & tinctures are available on retainers outside.

Auxiliary Boutique
Mist Ward 1 Plot 14

The Auxiliary Boutique contains additional gear sets for sale.
Check here if the flagship is sold-out of a particular style.

Executive Extension
Mist Ward 1 Plot 17

The Executive Extension features the latest map glamour, DoH & DoL, and tip mannequins.

AIZE Luxury Branch
Goblet Ward 13 Plot 8

In collaboration with AIZE, the luxury fashion store offers Ornate and Pentamelded sets for sale. Custom meld-to-measure sets available.

Tipping Mannequins

These mannequins have individual items listed. If you have been happy with your experience and would like to leave a tip, please do so here.
Thank you very much!


Now taking orders for all gear/items!
Any Disciple of War/Magic/Hand/Land - 7.2 Battle Jobs included!
Pentamelding with my materia available
Fill out the link below with details on class and pieces needed.
Other requests welcome, place your order today:

If you're needing a crafters' levekit, I can connect you with an associate that does levels 1-100.

My usual Location


You can reach me on Discord at alicebalmung
The map displays my usual location in Limsa.
My Party Finder is up on weekends and evenings